Our Motto

The prayerful approach and dynamic leadership of our Founder, Manager and Correspondent, the enthusiastic and the devoted role played by our Secretary, Principal and staff and keen interest of our students support our great motto in making your children.

Our Vision

“Our educational endeavors aim is to form leaders who are intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, psychologically integrated, physically healthy and socially acceptable who will be champions for the cause of justice, love, truth and peace, and shall ever open to further growth.”

We also aim at creating a just human society where dignity of the human person in upheld, where unjust social structures are balanced, our cultural heritage of ahimsa, religious harmony and national integration are cherished by the poor and the downtrodden

Vision Statment

Spiritual and Moral Values

  1. Awareness and belief in God and prayer.
  2. Appreciation and gratitude of the creator.
  3. Acceptance of oneself and of others.
  4. Honesty and truthfulness which entail courage to speak the truth and stand by one’s conviction.
  5. Respect and tolerance of all religions.
  6. Inner discipline.
  7. Inter – intra personal discipline.

Intellectual Values

  1. A desire for knowledge.
  2. The ability to reason and think independently.
  3. Induce taste for reading.
  4. Discovery and development of one’s talents and abilities.
  5. Good study habits and skill of learning.

Physical Goals

  1. Health and personal hygiene.
  2. Self – discipline and moderation.
  3. Determination and perseverance to do one’s best.
  4. Physical culture and gracefulness.

Social And Cultural Values

  1. Consideration for others.
  2. Respect for elders.
  3. Politeness and courtesy.
  4. Concern for the less fortunate.
  5. Dignity of all types of work.
  6. Patriotism.
  7. Civic responsibility.
  8. Knowledge and appreciation of our culture.
  9. Healthy completion and team spirit.